Sonlight is particularly exciting. Firstly it is always a good sized box, well taped up & requiring a knife & a certain skill to open. Ditz wields a
Inside there are books...& books...& more books. For some of us homeschooling mums we envy our children & wish this is the way we'd been schooled. Nothing gives me more pleasure than a big box of books. Ditz is eyeing them askance with a very dubious look. She may not be keen but at least I know she can & will read them without too much fussing, unlike her math which is fast becoming the last great taboo, totally unmentionable, guaranteed to have both of us scowling at the stupid stuff & muttering unmentionable things under our breaths. Ditz will do anything, promise anything, to get out of math. I love it so much that I am always tempted to accept her generous offers!
I am looking forward to starting this core! Our Irish friends are taking Ditz with them to the movies on Tuesday so I will have the day to sort myself out & make sure I've ordered everything I need to start. Our lovely supplier lets me order piecemeal so I am not up for a huge amount up front & just order before I get to the end of my supplies. It is far kinder to my budget. I have all the history so can wait on the readers as Ditz is still finishing up core 5 readers but my Irish friend couldn't believe the books we got & how much Ditz was expected to read over the next few months. Yes, well, reading is not the problem in this house! The math is slowly going down like the Titanic, unmourned by anyone. I think I want a very practical, concrete math for next year ~ something along the lines of household management or How to Ensure Your Music Manager isn't Ripping you off Thousands of Dollars 101. Something Ditz can relate to. I could be looking for a while. Somehow Ditz doesn't relate to anything mathamatical.
I do love a new box of books. As it is, I need another shelf. I didn't care for the higher maths when I was in school, so I ended up with a book called "The only Math book You'll ever Need" or something like that. Mom also tried to get creative with Science and got me a "Kitchen Science" book, but I didn't get excited about those, either. Sometimes children can just be difficult. :-)
(Sorry about the deleted comments. The page loaded weird the first time, but I guess it was just me)
The girls & I are sitting here cackling at your last comment. They're chatting to me as I fixed the problem. lol. NOT your computer. lol
I am excited over books as well! I love history (I think that's a "given") but I have attempted to re-read a book I purchased a couple of years ago on the American Revolution. I suddenly remember why I never read it to completion. It is extremely dry! I can't get past the first chapter! I keep telling myself to stick with it as that is how it is with some books. However, I continue to longingly look at the other books in my "to read" pile and I think "what a waste", so yesterday I started another book. I read 3 chapters in no time! I have come to the conclusion that the dry book might just have to be donated. One of my stops today is the library where I am on a specific quest and also to see what else catches my eye. We're driving to Canada on Friday which means a lot of windshield time. I will read and crochet to pass the time.
Connie, you are so lucky to be able to read in the car. I can't. I just get car sick so I sleep instead...though Dearest has pointed out I never got car sick around Europe & some of the roads we were on would have given a fair ride a go for their money. We tend to be hot & muggy out here & that does send me. Europe was cool & tepid & I suspect that made all the difference. Oh & you would love these books ~ ALL history!!!
I love curriculum boxes!! I'm hoping for one today!!!
At least you got it fixed. :-) Glad to be good for a laugh.
I've started The Coral Island by R M Ballantyne and I like it so far. Got it at a boot sale Sunday for 50 p.
MamaO, another of those classics I haven't been able to finish! What I remember of it, it was very *Boys Ownish*. I have got an interesting read for you but I will have to find the link later as I'm mainlanding all day today & NOT looking forward to it. :)
oh my gracious... you gotta love those sonlight boxes! do you get the ones that can be made into a castle once they're emptied? and the books.. sigh, all those glorious books:)
not for us this year, but maybe next!
You get boxes you can make into castles?!!! Oh, that's mean!
Nope, urs are just plain 0l' cardboard boxes....& I have more to come.:)
Diane, is second hand Sonlight not an option for you? I do use my library for some books. No not as convienient but WAAAY cheaper. You would need to purchase the worksheets separately but the bulk of the IG would be there. I'll PM mamaO Thursday or Friday. The next few days here are insane & about to get worse. I haven't forgotten what we were talking about but the mag I want has walked somewhere & I haven't turned it up yet. Miss Nobody again. How I wish that woman would move house!!!
ooh, ganeida- the castle boxes are so cool! you turn them wrong side out, cut on the lines and tape them back together and you have 2-3 ft tall castles. i still have a couple of ours stashed behind the couch:)
i've done secondhand sonlight before, in fact that is my usual option, but this year i needed to make do with an even more economical option. the Lord provided and i think we'll have a good year of it, so i mustn't be discontented. am still hoping for sonlight next year tho;)
as for the article, i'm looking forward to reading it, but please don't fret about getting it to me soon. we are maniacally busy here... we just got done with the county fair at which we were volunteering and not we've vacation Bible school all week, plus kids' birthdays, plus we are "doing in" our second group of chickens. i'm hoping to have time to do a decent post sometime soon! terrible thing about this blogging business.. one feels guilty when there isn't time to do it "properly"
Cool books :-D ...ha, when your friend said the boxes could be made into castles, I thought she was joking - like how kids like to make cars and stuff out of boxes... the boxes aren't special, the kids just make them stuff...but apparently these really DO turn into castles? Very cool. *grin*
I'm just happy to have a Sonlight supplier out here, Moly. Ditz is reading nothing but fantasy for choice & has moved on to Artemis Fowl. She needs the Sonlight for balance though being Ditz she is not the least interested in *balance*.
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