H0wever I have been busily pouring cement, water & gravel down the post holes of the verandah, one post at a time. I have 2 to go & hope to get them done today before I have to go out. This verandah has taken forever to build but there is so little Dearest can actually do & the girls & I can only pick at it slowly, none of us being built like Mack trucks. I would love to have it in time for this Christmas & we are getting close to being able to screw the boards down; a job for Dino.
I have a full house today. Dino's boss has food poisoning so Dino's not working. Liddy has nothing on. Dearest has broken a rib (no idea how) & has gone back to bed. I had a shocking night thanks to his pain & have to take Ditz to choir again this week. The week off was sensible but she is straining at the leash again & I think we are back to the Benjamin Britten, & that at least is music I like very much indeed.
The icing on the cake: In one day (besides the broken rib) both the washing machine & the oven died. The washing machine has been shonky for some time & I have been nursing it along & coddling it dreadfully to get it to last just that little bit longer. No more. It is as dead as the proverbial Dodo. I suspect the blitz of power failures administered the coup de grace to the oven. Some maniac on the mainland decided shooting up all the power transformers was a profitable way to spend his time & right on tea time the lights went out suddenly. We eat early so I just popped lids on everything & let it finish cooking but I bet there were some wild & disgruntled island residents about. Meanwhile I sit here typing away trying to psyche myself up to deal with whatever this day brings. A little more sleep would have helped...or just uninterrupted sleep. At least Ditz will be happy. It will have to be an easy day for her as I am far to tired & ratty to take on anything too strenuous.
Poor you!
Don't you love how it all happens at once? One year we replaced our dishwasher, hot water heater, and well pump all in December.
This, too, shall pass. (I know it's overused, but it's still true.)
The Maniac explains 1 night, but we've had three nights in a row all at the same time of night. We got so used to it we made arrangements(candles,torches, etc.).
Of course once we got used to this turn of events it stopped happening.
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