The pot came courtesy of a friend who was given one of those *candy trees*. Her boys didn't like the candy & no~one in her house gardens so we got both the candy & the pot. Handy, I thought, & perfect for a Ditz project. Even the pebbles cost nothing. They came out of the defunct fish tank. We haven't successfully managed to keep fish for love or money & now have a huge tank, given to the children years ago complete with goldfish, that is pretty much useless. Every so often I look at it & consider a miniature glasshouse but it's a cruddy old tank & I've never been able to bring myself to do it.
Ditz isn't much of a gardener, not really. Anything that requires getting her hands dirty she pretty much leaves to me. She's keen in theory & mint is pretty much unkillable so I set her to shoving a layer of pebbles in the bottom of the pot as drainage. (fuss, fuss, fuss.). I sent her to put in the soil. More fuss, fuss, fuss. The mint was root bound so I broke its plastic container apart & plonked the plant in its new pot but left ditz to finish filling the pot. Yes, fuss, fuss, fuss. I looked & shook my head. Ditz hadn't firmed the soil down because that would require getting her hands dirty. Honestly! Back inside to put a layer of pebbles over the soil as mulch & a good watering whereupon Ditz happily took it away to display proudly on her desk.
I believe everyone should know the basics of growing things, & most of mine have been avid gardeners, even Theo who is my Mr., Neat & Clean freak. They've all laid claim to various parts of the garden in order to grow their hearts desire, all except Ditz. She is the anomaly & to prove it go have a look at her latest art project at CJay's Waffle..
Don't suppose you want to do a swap for your fish tank, do you? I have this really nice, mouse-free toaster... :-)
Lol, Siano. If you have room in your car for it next time you're up this way the tank's yours! It's the monstrosity that's sitting on the encyclopeadia bookshelf. I think we still have the pump & stuff as well.
fish don't tend to have much luck in this house either, though we keep trying....There's just one little goldfish here now - there was two when I started my blog, and many have come and gone - who goes by the name of 'Toast'.
I've never seen a chocolate mint plant...does it smell like chocolate, or like mint? (If that's a dumb question, just chalk it up to my lack of growing much - yet LOL)
It's cute!
It has a really strong chocolate smell, not like mint at all. Liddy couldn't believe the aroma. It's a bit much really.
Siano should blog for you moly. She fosters kittens & has these super cuties at present. I was so tempted to nab one. They are gorgeous. If she blogged she could post pics for the rest of us to drool over. *hint, hint*
Youare just too funny. I wanted some chocolate mint last year but never got it planted. Ive never even tasted it but it sure looks like a cool plant.
You mean you eat this stuff!!!! Just kidding. I haven't actually tried it. It never even occured to me. Now I will have to go & experiment.
I somehow stumbled onto your blog and have been enjoying it immensely!!
I have raised chocolate mint in the past, and it does have a wonderful aroma! (Why wouldn't it if it smells like CHOCOLATE!!)I liked it as a hot tea, and also would add a few leaves to my other mint when I made iced mint tea. It can be quite invasive in the garden, however.
Mary in Indiana (where it's finally spring!)
Hi Mary in Indiana. Glad you're enjoying your visits. Feel free to join in. Everyone who visits here is really nice (quite, quite mad, but really nice.) *hehe* :)
Ganeida, if you want to post the kittens, you have my blessing :-) Can't vouch for the photo quality, though!
That wasn't the idea, my girl, as well you know but I'll see what I can do. Given my computer acumen this could be interesting...
You done well, Ganeida :-)
When I see you maybe you can teach me blog 101...
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