Sunday, November 2, 2008

Watched by angels.

For it is written, He shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee:Luke4:10

Life here is all too often lived at a frantic pace. There are only so many hours in a day & they are all accounted for so many decisions are made instinctively....& then something happens to remind me that in the midst of the turmoil & chaos God has indeed set his angels to watch over us.

Ditz has been doing her music thing all week which has meant me going over on an 8.30 pm boat to pick her up. Parking is at a premium. We usually have a nearly 10 minute walk across a park , past another car park, & along a narrow secluded track to the jetty. I get jittery at the best of times. There are often kids hanging out in the park during school hours, people drinking before the sun goes down & other things that just make me go, 'ick!' That being the case I asked Liddy to travel with me. Safety in numbers, don't you know, & she wanted the hours for her driving. It is exhausting doing this last thing at night & once or twice Liddy said she wasn't coming then at the last moment changed her mind.

OK, having company is better than being on my own & Liddy is usually very good company but I found out on Sunday why God had so arranged it that none of us were travelling on our own. A friend told me a member of her social group, a woman in her 70's, coming home with her husband after dark one night, was attacked in the car park we walk past. Yikes! She had sent her hubby on ahead because an accident meant she was a little slow & if the boat knows you're coming they will usually wait. Luckily for her a car pulled in just as the man grabbed her & he ran off but I have been extra careful to keep us all together & not let the girls run ahead to the loos on their own.

Liddy says the jetties on both sides have been getting bad for some time again; she hears all the gos working in the shop & knows all the ambo drivers [boat ambulance] so we get the occasional lift home in the ambo boat instead of waiting on deserted jetties. About time for the cops to do one of their regular clean up acts, I think. I don't know why jetties collect all the riff~raff. They are generally cold & windy & downright unpleasant even in summer & my boys were practically men before I would allow them to go fishing off ours after dark as it was notorious for drunken idiots hooning round the car park & generally causing trouble.

And talking of my boys: all the screws are now in my deck, the long ends sawn off & the hand rails ready to go thanks to their hard work! Saturday we all ate dinner on the deck sitting round on upturned tins & balancing our plates on our knees while a fire roared in the fire pit & the cat shot up & down trees like a mad thing unable to believe his luck. Everyone really enjoyed it & it is going to make such a difference to our lifestyle.


The HoJo's said...

Good grief, I hope they are moved on soon.

I am glad your deck is usable, we are still umming about having our patio revamped, I think we have blown it for this summer and will have to slum it ;o)


Mrs. Darling said...

I cnat wait until peter is a little older and can help around here more.

Hey girl,stay safe!

MamaOlive said...

The deck sure sounds nice. I hope you get lots of use from it.
God be with you.

molytail said...

Always a good idea to have someone along for any of those long dark walks - there are some really miserable characters out and about in the world, unfortunately. <3

Saturday we all ate dinner on the deck sitting round on upturned tins & balancing our plates on our knees while a fire roared in the fire pit & the cat shot up & down trees like a mad thing unable to believe his luck.

ahhh, the perfect mealtime setup. :-)