--Garrison Keillor, in The Young Lutheran's Guide to the Orchestra
Three weeks & counting! That's how much time Ditz has before her flute exam. She is not a happy bunny. She does not want to do exams. Her pieces are sounding pretty good but oh my! Sequential learning does that child in every time & she still hasn't got all her scales down pat. I may just have that nervouse breakdown I've earned. It would be a shame if she flunked out on something so silly as she has worked very hard & her playing is sounding very good but that's Ditz for you. Total performer. She always lifts a level for a performance but ask her to slog away in the trenches & you may as well ask for the moon & the stars."All flute players have a latent predilection for danger, otherwise they wouldn't play that wayward instrument." -Merrily Harpur Anyway, prayers that the child will nail those scales before her big day if you have a moment or two spare.
"[Meter is] how many beats may be heard before one is stressed."
I am very stressed. The Qpac details have been confirmed & I know already we can't make most of the rehearsals because they will still be rehearsing when the last boat leaves for home! My priority just now [despite Ditz] is her flute exams, which means I want her in routine & calm, not over~tired, over~excited & spinning like a whirly~gig. I believe one of the performances will be taped & broadcast on ABC at some point. Being a glory hunter Ditz is much more charmed by this than by a dull exam wherein she will play 3 pieces she never particularly liked of music that began to bore her months ago. And my mother thought she wanted a musical child!!!
Just when I began seriously considering infanticide Ditz turns round & says, 'I need a better schedule for my school work', & proceeds to lay out a tighter schedule than I've ever worked to & yesterday she put it into place without me nagging or ranting or having a mental breakdown. She worked too! Now if we can just get a grip on this math....Liddy!" I neeeeed you!
My best ever music exam result was after a car crash, poor G'pa told the guy he drove into 'can't stop, must take my Granddaughter to an exam' and off we trotted, I figured no one would blame me for failing and relaxed into it. Lesson learned.
Not suggesting anything so dramatic for Ditz, just relax :o) and klots of prayers and a dash of luck for good measure
I can't offer much advice, because while I hated both exams and performances, I think I'd prefer the exams.
Good to hear she's seeing the benefit of a schedule. Makes things easier on you (at least for a few days until she tires of it!).
Wish her miles of good luck with the exam! I'm sure she'll do well - the girl has a musical talent and it's impossible to really hide that. ;-)
You guys need your *own* boat! *grin*
We're not the best at schedules around here - we try them...sort of. We always seem to go back to "do the next thing"....know what I mean?
It's not Ditz who needs to relax.
Having never done music exams the whole process terrifies me! lol.
Moly ~ we *have* our own boat! :(
No help. I don't like travelling in an open boat in bad weather %0 It's just not that seaworthy!
I don't expect the *schedule* to last too long before we're back to 'You have this much to be done by Friday. Don't care when you do itjust get it done!' lol
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