Saturday, November 15, 2008


Count your blessings, name them one by one, & you'll be surprised at what the Lord has done.
I woke up headachy ~ the headache that comes with nausea, flashing lights, & as though the whole world is screaming at you. I survived the morning but by lunchtime I was pill hunting & looking for my bed. The trouble with migraines is that they leave you feeling as wrung out as an old dishcloth & wishing the world would end even after the worst is over. It is a good time to count my blessings
Apples. I like apples & my favourites are in season now: Granny Smiths, tart, crisp & juicy; Pink Ladies crunchy & sweet. My Liddy slices up apple & rolls it in puff pastry & a touch of brown sugar & bakes it in the oven. Yum.
Cats. No~one loves me like Issi; there's nothing so comforting when the world comes crashing down as cuddling someone who loves you completely unconditionally. Ok, that's not true. Iss loves me because I put the food in his bowl but no~one else gets up a purr like Iss.

Dearest ~ who is working very hard to make our deck something really special. We have had some Blue Gum slabs sitting in our yard for years. Sanded back & estapoled they are a deep blood red. Gorgeous. We are making some deck furniture out of it. The leftovers will make kitchen benches.

The regatta coming down the passage. Such a serene & pretty sight after all the rain we've had.
After the humidity there is a cool breeze wafting off the water in the cool of the evening. I know I am blessed.


molytail said...

Ok, that's not true. Iss loves me because I put the food in his bowl

ROFL *grin*

he's such an adorable fella.. I can totally *hear* the purr.

When stuff gets nuts, I try to do the same...sit back and remember all that we have, everything and everyone...


molytail said...

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Anonymous said...

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