Thursday, January 24, 2008

Home again, home again, jiggerty~trot.

We are home again. Ditz is so pleased! The trip home is always quicker & less fraught ~ apart from leaving my mother. As soon as she thinks she is unobserved she shrinks a little & looks suddenly old. It is horrible & I know she will find any excuse to not go straight home to an empty, silent house. (Ditz is unforgettable & makes her presence known!) Even knowing mum is living exactly where she wants to with many friends & help only a button away if she needs it, even knowing she keeps really busy & has an excellent quality of life, I hate that we're not close enough to drop in for afternoon tea regularly. I hate leaving her & I know the hardest part for her of having visitors is having them leave. I rang as soon as we got home (knowing mum likes to know we've arrived safely & that all is well & as it should be at our end) & left a message. As expected she wasn't home yet!

However my cat is sooo happy to have me home again, poor thing. Despite the heat he had a good collapse all over me & enjoyed the fussing of a thorough grooming. Silly boy! He won't let anyone else do it. I'd assume he had candy floss for a brain if I didn't know how smart he was but poor Liddy was in a tizz about him. She was in charge of running the house & I left the money with her too & she complained that Iss wasn't eating for her. She was worried until someone thought to tell her the boys had been feeding him fishy tit bits!

Work, once they discovered I was gone ~ Liddy's lunches no longer arriving on cue! ~ gave her a hard time about having to fend for herself but despite the fact I make the child's lunch most days & run it up for her so it's fresh she is perfectly capable of running the house while I'm not here & no~one is looking thin & woebegone. However every time I rang home I managed to miss Lid & as she hadn't spoken to me in 10 days I got my ears talked off! The boys aren't the world's greatest conversationalists.

And it is so nice to be back in my own home again! It may be chaotic & disorderly & unfinished & disorganized but all the people I love most in the world are here.


Diane Shiffer said...

It is so hard to watch one's parents age, isn't it? My parents have always been so vigorous, stylish and is a huge adjustment for me every time I see them these days to reconcile the bent backs and so-easily-tired limbs with the mom and dad I have always known....

I of course remain exactly the same as I have been for the last 30yrs;-)

Mrs. Darling said...

It is so true that home is where the heart is!

Cjay said...

please stop calling me diiiiittzzztyyyy